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  • 15 Oct

    WordPress Site Optimization in 7 Easy Steps

    WordPress, is today the world’s most popular content management system for the creation of websites. The system is used by the millions of business owners living world over. According to the statistics, more than 400 million websites worldwide are powered by WordPress, with more than 100 million based in the United States.

    The total time combines publishing of posts on the WordPress sites every 17 seconds. There are more than one million sites which are powered by WP and the relevant businesses every day. The top 1 million sites in the world relevant to businesses are powered by WP. The facts show the significance of WP as the CMS for businesses of all sizes. This makes it a popular web content management system of business owners’ world over.


    The simple use and a wide variety of WordPress themes are a reason why startups and small businesses prefer to use WordPress. This means that you have to keep the several important statistics in mind, before using WordPress for your business website.

    1. Theme Quality

    There are a number of premiums and free themes available for those planning to create a WP based site for their startup. But, you need to be really careful when it comes to the selection of a reliable theme from the ones that are available. The theme needs to be flexible which means you need to have the ability for making modifications without much hassle.

    1. Hosting

    Website hosting is another important component for the creation of website for your startup. You have to manage the WP hosting services which would help in keeping the site up and running at all times. Furthermore, it needs to offer regular backups and updates.

    1. Choosing plug-ins wisely

    You need to carefully select the plug-ins for your WP site otherwise it would slow down its performance.  Rather than installing all the content, you need to actively use and delete the rest of the plug-ins.

    1. Website Configuration

    After finalizing the WP installation, you can configure everything accordingly. For instance, you need to think about the moderated comments, the permanent links along with the other best practices. All this is accomplished easily in the WP settings and must be done during the initial setup.

    1. Mobile Interface

    There are a lot of visitors who want to access the site on their mobile devices, which means that your WP based website requires a responsive mobile interface which would provide a smooth experience for the users. WordPress again has got a number of themes, which are responsive in nature and would help your cause in this regard.

    1. Security

    WP comes with a lot of security features but still you need to implement more advanced security features for countering the potential threats. WP being a popular content management system is a target for a lot of hackers.

    1. Search Engine Optimization

    Search engine optimization helps in enhancing the website visibility on Google in addition to the other search engines. This means that with the help of WP plugins such as WP SEO by Yoast, you can have your site ranked with the help of a SEO professional.

    For any type of help and assistance on WordPress, its themes, installation and the search engine optimization services, you can consult with the professionals of Medialinkers web design kennesaw.